The warning labels that appear before you are because of the contributions by our organizers, staff & participants. Some earned recognition in multiple areas in years leading up to this one, but we’ve done our best to only list each furson once.
WARNING: This post serves as much to recognize contributions as it does to remember who dun it.
Arty, Hubcap, Morsh, Panda Paco, Sjru, Summer, Wild Whisker Creations
Bryce is Blue, Drazil, Lockefox, Nullreff, Phenod, Roady, Summer, Sypress, Strypes, Yalta Wolf
Antwelm, Bearly Normal, BlackvoidDragon, Caladon, Cheetaro, GamerCabbitWolf, Gilead, Hachi Shibaru, Hex Husky, Hunter Coyote, Kaiser, Kosher, Lobowolf, Jaxx, Kwisa Wolfy, Mioda, Mobius, Naqfox, Ognas, Panzerwing, Phenod, Strawberry Protato, Strypes, Stuperfox, Suppie, Sypheryan, Taebyn, Thumper, Tigersblood, Varuna, Viridis, Wurmz
Herding of Cats
Baphnedia, Demetrius, Darkk, Frostbite Fox, Gizmo, Honyo, Matthias, Queen Vinyl, Quietfire Tiger, Rayne Raccoon, Suppie, Sypheryan, Tick Tock, Wolfdog
Photografurs / Videografurs
Ash Coyote, Atrayu, Baphijmm, Lockefox, Night Dragon, Orange Bolt, Rath, Shutterwolf, Singha